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Zowasel Reveals What It Takes To Be Africa’s Fastest Growing Grain Marketplace

Zowasel is the first of its kind and it’s Africa’s fastest growing grain marketplace. Zowasel is changing the way farmers sell grain by providing a platform where they can showcase their produce, farmlands and farming equipment to local and international buyers.
Recently, Zowasel launched its fully evolved e-commerce marketplace, open for direct sales and local deals. With its prime aim of offering its customers a ‘wow’ experience online, Zowasel is rapidly becoming Nigeria’s ideal marketplace.

Their platform is user-friendly, offering consumers the liberty to click on the desired local service/merchant in order to obtain information about the merchant like the time, pictures of produce, ratings of the merchant and the date that best meets their needs, before making a deal.

Check out their page at and get the most out of their deal-of-the-day marketplace offer, huge discounts and coupons designed to help you save time and money across all services and products. Zowasel has taken strategic steps to dominate the market by partnering with City Marketing to carry out a street marketing campaign. City Marketing pasted stickers on buses, kekes and distributed flyers on the busiest streets in Lagos.

Below are snapshots of our street marketing campaign.

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